Monday, March 25, 2013

Racism v. Diversity

Racism v. Diversity?
To the average citizen these two topics may appear far in between.
Isn't diversity, well, the solution to racism?
Is it simply being used as grounds for racism?

In an all perfect world: cultures would mingle endlessly, there may not even be single races as they would have merged time and time again. But we don't exactly live in that perfect world do we? As a melting pot country, one would assume America would be the closes resemblance to this fictional image... but we're not. The diversity of our nation does little but create more racial prejudices, and ensure those with past ideals hold their opinions closer to heart.
One could say diversity invited racism over for dinner?

It's one thing to see another race on say television, in novels, it's a whole 'nother to be surrounded by that race. Suddenly the ideal pops up that they are a threat, whether it be physically (ie. fear of African American males doing one harm) or to one's social standing (ie. African Americans may feel out of place in an mainly Caucasian setting) or even to one's economic standing (ie. Latinos are "stealing" all of the jobs). And when something or someone becomes a threat, it's human instinct to want to rid oneself of this precieved threat. At this point racial prejudices are acted upon and find themselves transformed to racist actions.

Democrat and Chronicle blogger Dick Moss recently proposed a couple encounters one may or may not consider racism in his post "Ok, so what do you think racism is?", leading me to ponder a few of the situations. As all of which peaked my interest are a direct result of the diversity this nation is undergoing.. and not handling well. However, you will soon realize the answers may differ based on one's point of view, background, morals, and simply opinion. No two people have the exact same opinion, so don't you dare bite my head of for expressing mine.

Is it racist for the Border Patrol to target populations that are clearly Latino in its search for immigrants without proper documentation?

Oh, oh, oh the turns this question can take. Take a moment to ignore the reference to a specific race, and simply view the question proposed through an investigative lens. If one is looking for a suspect, does one not first check the suspect's home? Neighborhood? Family members' homes? And this is purely where I can see this question going. As a first generation child of an immigrant family, I only see the logic of this statement. When one comes from another country entirely they prefer to surround themselves with other immigrants, someone whose culture is the same as their own. You go to a new place? Do you or do you not first ask yourself "Are there others, like me?" So how in what way would this be an act of racism? To look for illegal immigrants in a place they would most likely call home?
And if I do recall, home is where one's family is.

Is it racist for a school district’s staff to not reflect the diversity of its student body?

Here lies a proposed scenario purely based on encouraging diversity, yet a root of possible racism or at least racial prejudice. The only thing a school district should be requires to do is have a staff that reflects an strong educational body. Just because the school strives for diversity of its student body, doesn't mean it should just start handing out jobs to all races for parallelism. However, on that note, those who are qualified should be considered, therefore it only becomes an act of racism if a certain race is declined a job purely based on race. This is outrageous no matter the job field, whether it be teaching position or researcher or politician. 

Point blank, what one may see as an act of racism, once dissected simply becomes an act of diversity that one felt the need to give racist light to. By living in America you agree to the Terms and Conditions 
We are a country of the free. We are a melting pot. And we are diverse in nature.

Just because something becomes more diverse than one prefers, does not give any right to be made racist or encourage racial prejudices. Because guess what?

Diversity did NOT invite racism to dinner.